Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Developing Management Skills Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Developing Management Skills - Assignment Example The management style may end up frustrating the manager’s efforts in relation to deriving support from employees. Psychological resiliency is the ability to endure psychological risk factors/ stressors without exhibiting psychological dysfunction (such as post-traumatic stress disorder, PTSD). On the other hand, social resiliency is the ability to withstand stressors that emanate from the social and environmental spheres. In addition, social resilience is an analytical framework that emanates from the concept of social vulnerability whereas psychological resilience emanates from psychological stressors. Individuals can manage personal stress from the work-life balance by adopting the analytical framework that forms the foundations of social resiliency. The work-life balance entails the coping, adaptive, and transformative capacities that represent social resilience. Stress levels are significantly reduced when the work-life balance is approached with the three ‘pillars’ of social resiliency. Psychological resiliency is the best possible mechanism to respond to an experience of personal failure. For example, an individual may set performance benchmarks in his or her area of expertise. Such benchmarks could be accompanied by rewards. The benchmarks and rewards would act as intrinsic and extrinsic motivators of success in an attempt to erase the previous experience of personal failure. The analytical problem-solving approach commences with defining the problem. This step involves differentiating objective and subjective opinions while specifying the underlying causes of the problem. It is at this step that all the relevant parties are tapped for information to identify whose problem it is. In addition, this step avoids ambiguity on how the problem is presented. On the other hand, the creative problem-solving approach commences with preparation. This stage is simple and is limited by scope.  

Monday, February 10, 2020

Alternative Assessment Analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Alternative Assessment Analysis - Essay Example Various forms of formal alternative assessments are the portfolios, projects, and journals. These kind of assessments have specific guidelines and formally specified performance indicators that are used to measure students learning. The major situation in which these kinds of assessments are appropriate is actually, when the learning attribute measured is specific and can be practically revealed. A good example is the assessment of a student’s ability to plan, manage, and implement a program related to their field of study. In such a case a project or a portfolio can be very appropriate to assess the student’s skills. The most conspicuous form of an informal alternative assessment is observation. This kind of assessment is informal since it has no specific indicators that can show the level of performance of a student. It is also one kind of an assessment undertaken informally and sometimes the student might fail to realize that he is being assessed. This kind of assessment is very appropriate when it comes to assessing competency of some aspects of learning that the student might try to hide. A good example is the assessment of pronunciation and communication ability of a student. There was a time our teacher used observation form of assessment in assessing our ability to communicate back in elementary school. Most of us were not aware that it was an assessment until the teacher told us so after we had completed the task that was assigned to us. The assignment was simple since each of the students was to use five minutes to explain to the teacher his most exciting moments of the class. Later, after the teacher informed us that it was an assessment he showed us the rubric that he was using to mark the assessment. He later told each of us his score in the assessment, where he had gone wrong, and what he needs to improve. He also told us various types of instructions that he has decided to introduce in order to counter the